Thursday, January 3, 2013

Blog Jan 3

I had always enjoyed my science classes during my younger years of schooling. I particularly enjoyed the study of biology. I found the unraveling of secrets that make up the human body, word, and universe exciting and captivating. However, throughout my education I have always seemed to be someone who is creative minded rather than a logical or numerical thinker. I often arrive at conclusions that are outside of the box, by enabling creativity to take over. This became more apparent to me as I matured in my studies throughout high school. I found myself enjoying my English and social studies classes far more than I was my mathematic and science courses. I did not loose my lack of interest in the sciences, but rather understood the idea that my mind is not quite programmed to think that way, and that those classes would take more preparing for. For these reasons, in my senior year at St. Mark’s I made the decision to take two English courses. The two courses are, Creative and Critical Writing and World Literature. The curriculums the courses contain are not the only differentiating quality the two have. Two very different teachers teach the classes. In addition, these two teachers have extremely different teaching styles. My World Literature is a class taught by one of my favorite teachers who has planned and structured way of teaching. However, this class is not all notes and power points, there is fun involved too. She does not jump from one subject to another without depicting all of the necessary material from it. However, my Creative and Critical teacher varies completely from my other English teacher. His style of teaching is more chaotic and sporadic. Subjects change quickly and it is a fast moving class. This has its positives and negatives. A positive quality would be that it is entertaining and keeps the students focused. However, a negative would be that some material might not be covered as fully in class as it is prepared for the students on exams. Neither teacher is better than the other; nevertheless, I enjoy the style of teaching of my world literature teacher greater than my other. However, it is interesting to observe that even though both are teaching the same core subject, they both do it in such different supporting the idea that the creative mind truly steers an English driven mind. 

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