Monday, May 13, 2013

Quarter 4 blog 3

It seems like just yesterday I was riding in the passenger seat of a car up the long windy drivway past the football field, texting on my EnV phone, and mentally preparing myself for the next four years of my life as I was pulling up to St. Mark’s High School. I had moved around the country in the past so that type of change was not anything I was frazzled by. However, this change was the beginning to the rest of my life, what I was going to do in this building would determine what happens for college and so on. However, I became very comfortable in my environment and grew into a much stronger student, and person than if I had pursued my high school career somewhere else. St. Mark’s High School has not only strengthened my faith, it has taught me how to interact with people, communication skills, how to manage time, how to become a better student, a leader, and many more. Walking into this school for the last week as a student, I have realized that I am a much different person than I was when I arrived in 2009. My faith is stronger, I am my own individual, and I have acquired knowledge and skills I never imagined I would have my first day at St. Mark’s. I only have the teachers and the staff to thank for making me into the student and person I am. I cannot fathom that this is my last week at this school. The school has become a second home to me. The people are like a second family. It will be strange not to see the ones I have known for what feels like forever next year. However, one thing is for sure, I will show everyone I meet what it means to be a Spartan. 

Quarter 4 Journal 2

As the acceptance letters from college came rolling in, I felt like I could not contain my excitement to start this new chapter in my life. The happiness being accepted into an institution grew with every large envelope that arrived on my doorstep. The University of Delaware, University of Rhode Island, St. Joseph’s University, University of South Carolina, and University of Hartford all wanted me to be an addition to their community. I could not have felt more blessed and fortunate to be given the opportunity to attend one of these amazing places for greater learning. However, with every blessing there is a burden and my situation was not exempt from this unfortunate reality. With every letter I received my decision became a great deal more difficult. However, I did not know this until the date of May first crept up on me and soon enough I needed to make a life changing decision within a few days. I have never felt so much pressure and anxiety as I did those few days of decision-making. Every person one can think of was giving me advice weather it be my teachers, parents, friends, a man at the gym, or a lady at the nail salon. Every person was giving me his or her two cents, which was only making my decision harder and more confusing. Within those few days I had narrowed my decision down to two schools that are practically identical in size, reputation, and campus life. The schools I was playing tug of war over was The University of Delaware and The University of Rhode Island. Eventually when I began listening to my own voice rather than the opinions of others, I finally made a decision. I decided to take a chance and leave my comfort zone of what I know and start a new adventure at The University of Rhode Island. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

4th Quarter Blog #1

The Wudan form of martial arts is one of the key schools of Chinese martial arts. This form of martial arts is broad and profound encompassing powerful values and lessons. Wudan is seen to be aimed at health preserving and a mean of self-defense. This section of Chinese martial arts tends to focus on the spirit of a person rather than the physical strength of the individual. Wudan encourages gentleness to conquer problems and does not advocate attack. Although the virtues do not support attack, the martial art of Wudan is difficult to beat hard to overcome. The features of these martial arts also incorporate the idea of prolonging life and helping others. These values stem from the Taoist virtues from which the martial arts were formed. From this idea of thinking the concept of physical and psychological training was intertwined to form the self- defense art of Wudan. Martial arts theory and scientific theories are also both involved within Wudan to exemplify the balance one must have with nature and the world around them. Upholding virtues is something that is very important in the culture to the culture of the Wudan martial arts community. Surviving a complicated world is a main use of the virtues taught through this martial arts form. Not only do these values have the ability to help the people who practice the martial art form of Wudan, they can aid anyone to become more harmonious with the world around them. Even the average American can apply these virtues to their everyday life by becoming calmer, and becoming in balance with the busy world around them.  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Journal #4 3rd quarter

Rereading a book a second time is possibly better than reading it the first time. When one reads a book for the second or third time, themes and miniscule details begin to present themselves in ways that might have gone unnoticed before. A book that I have recently begun to read again is, The Great Gatsby. I read this novel a few years back. However, I have decided to pick it up again and refresh myself before the movie appears in theaters. The movie made out of this timeless classic truly seems like it will be another classic such as Titanic. As I began reading the story for a second time a theme appeared to me that I noticed before, but not to the extent that I see it now. The shallowness of the rich upper class is truly permanent in this story. These people are extremely preoccupied with the materialistic aspects of the world. Their mindset is geared towards having the latest and greatest that the market has to offer. They have grand fantastic parties, but only to impress one another and show off their belongings. The West and East Eggs sharply contrast one another. The West Egg seems to present the families that are new to wealth where are the East Egg seems to represent the “old-money” of the times. Gatsby is a person who is very absorbed in how the world views him. He wears a pink suit, drives a Rolls Royce, and lives in a grant mansion all to impress the world around him. The East Egg residents seem to be so caught up in the world of materials, that they have lost their sense of character.   

Journal #3 QUARTER 3

In today’s society bullying comes in many forms. One can physically, mentally, and emotionally bully someone and impact him or her for the rest of his or her lives. Their self-confidence can be slashed along with possible physical injuries. The offenders may not realize to what extent their actions impact the people they are hurting. They may think of their actions as just a joke or something the person should be able to brush off. Meanwhile however, they are unaware of the scares they are leaving the person with for the rest of their lives. The book “Thirteen Reasons Why” digs deeply into the heart of someone who has been victimized by thirteen people in her small all- American town. The bullying had gotten to such an extent that she committed suicide. One reading this book may think that the extent of the bullying and the consequences are being dramatacized. However, there are cases of suicides linked to bullying everyday across the United States of America. In this story there were some situations in which the young girl was being bullied emotionally and mentally intentionally by a classmate, or a neighbor. However, some of the culprits had no knowledge that their actions were hurtful or destructive. This story demonstrates that one must always treat others with respect. Every human being deserves respect regardless of things they may have done, what they look like, what religions they practice, or any other circumstances. Ones actions impact another whether that person realizes it or not. Every person is fighting their own battles and treating someone with respect and kindness can go a mile further than one would have expected

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Journal #2 3rd q.

Motifs and themes are commonly used throughout literature. The authors use these writing techniques to expose an underlying meaning or lesson behind their stories. These literary tools help give the story depth and leave the reader interpreting the story to a further extent. One story that is an extremely good example of using themes and motifs in a story is, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. In this novel, there are many different motifs. However, one of the most forthcoming themes in this story is the story of Christ. The setting of this story is placed in a mental institution run by the head nurse, Rached, or better known as “The Big Nurse.” She runs the ward with ultimate control with the help of three Negro boys. The patients of the ward do not have their own opinions, and if they do they do not act upon them. However, the atmosphere of the ward was forever changed when a man pretending to be insane was admitted into the hospital. McMurphy became a figure that all the men in the ward came to admire. He made an entrance into the ward with his booming manly laugh, one that had never echoed through the ward before. From that point on, McMurphy and the Big Nurse became enemies. McMurphy began to lead the men into standing up for themselves against the combine. He associated with the salt of the earth just as Jesus did, leading them into a better place. For example, when the Big Nurse refuses to let the patients watch the World Series, McMurphy has the men sit in front of the television just as it was on, reacting to imaginary events. As the story progresses the similarity to Jesus and the bible grows even further. When the men go on a fishing trip McMurphy is referred to as the fishers of men. In addition, upon returning from the trip McMurphy was subjected to electric shock therapy. He himself referred to this electric shop therapy device as a crown, asking if there were any thorns to go along with it. The bible imagery does not only pertain to McMurphy. Billy Bibbet can be viewed as Judas who betrayed Jesus. When Billy Bibbet is caught sleeping with a prostitute he immediately tells the combine that McMurphy was the cause of it. Finally, just as Jesus was killed upon the cross McMurphy was lobotomized, leaving his followers of inmates to continue his uprising against the combine. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Most unbelievable thing to happen to me...

The air was heavy and dense as the winds whirled outside. The sky had ominous green glow as it began to spit out rain onto the city of Jacksonville. The raindrops fell relentlessly onto my house with the pitter-patter of the rain falling and the wind howling Mother Nature was having a concert all around me. The house was dark. The heavy air seeped inside and dispersed around the home. I peered out the window into the chaos going on around my fortress, as it stood strong against the harsh elements outside. Hurricane Ivan was just begging and I did not like the looks of it already. I stepped onto the screened in porch to escape the suffocating stuffiness of the home. The wind blew through my hair and into my face as the smell of the sea became present. I moved to the corner of the small porch to peer down the road to the ocean. I could see the waves raging as if they were angry at the shore. They poured up onto the beach relentlessly as the water began to creep up onto the path to the street. There were no cars on the roads and all was silent except for the sounds of the angry storm invading the city of Jacksonville, Florida. As I stood in the small safe haven I noticed that there was no thunder, I began to believe that this storm was petty. “What is big, strong, devastating storm without thunder?” I thought to myself as I began to make my way back into the safety of the stuffy home. I pulled my damp hair up into a ponytail to relieve me from the humidity of the house as the siren of alert from the weather channel blared through the house. The words flashed across the television warning of high winds, flooding, and etcetera. I had heard all of these short-lived warnings before with hardly any repercussions. Hurricanes, tropical storms, and tropical depressions were just another aspect of life while living in Florida, it was something everyone was generally used to and took for granted. I trudged up the stairs to my room, again looking outside to see if these warnings may have some substance behind them. To my surprise the water was slinking up past the path now and onto the road, seeping into all the crevasses as it made it way forward. The winds picked up as well from the last time I checked my surroundings. The sea grass was bent over by the forceful wind. The power lines looked like a jump rope being swung around in a circle just waiting for someone to hop in. Finally I noticed the giant palm tree that was swinging from its base. This enormous palm tree that stood as tall as my home was swaying hastily from side to side in a rhythm that began to frighten me. I stared at the tree shaking against the green forbidding sky without blinking, mesmerized by the seriousness of the nature around me. Already shaken up by the swaying trees and high seas, the power began to flicker as I ran down the stairs to the comfort of my parents sitting in the living room. In an instant, the house was filled with darkness and an enormous crashing sound invaded the home as the house shook. We grabbed flashlights and ran to the source of the clatter. The exorbitant palm tree that I had been gazing at just moments before was not taking a nap in my bed in my room. The tree had crashed through the window I was peering out of crushing the roof, walls, my bed, but thankfully not me. That was the most unbelievable moment of my life. If I had not left my room, and retreated to the other side of my home, I would have been crushed along with my belongings.