Sunday, March 17, 2013

Journal #3 QUARTER 3

In today’s society bullying comes in many forms. One can physically, mentally, and emotionally bully someone and impact him or her for the rest of his or her lives. Their self-confidence can be slashed along with possible physical injuries. The offenders may not realize to what extent their actions impact the people they are hurting. They may think of their actions as just a joke or something the person should be able to brush off. Meanwhile however, they are unaware of the scares they are leaving the person with for the rest of their lives. The book “Thirteen Reasons Why” digs deeply into the heart of someone who has been victimized by thirteen people in her small all- American town. The bullying had gotten to such an extent that she committed suicide. One reading this book may think that the extent of the bullying and the consequences are being dramatacized. However, there are cases of suicides linked to bullying everyday across the United States of America. In this story there were some situations in which the young girl was being bullied emotionally and mentally intentionally by a classmate, or a neighbor. However, some of the culprits had no knowledge that their actions were hurtful or destructive. This story demonstrates that one must always treat others with respect. Every human being deserves respect regardless of things they may have done, what they look like, what religions they practice, or any other circumstances. Ones actions impact another whether that person realizes it or not. Every person is fighting their own battles and treating someone with respect and kindness can go a mile further than one would have expected

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